A chair designed specifically for saxophonists. - The SaxSeatImportance Of Good Posture While Playing the Saxophone

Saxophone posture is a big issue with most students and professional players alike. Bad saxophone posture leads to various painful conditions like neck and back pain, minor joint pain in the wrists and fingers, and various shoulder ailments. Also, a bad posture affects playing technique.

Good posture and saxophone playing position go a long way for the top performance and long-term health benefits preventing injury and pain. A sax player needs to practice for long hours a day to become good. If you are new to playing saxophone, having good posture will help prevent injury, increase learning speed, and enhance overall health.

Here are a few tips for a good posture when playing the saxophone.

Sit or stand with your back straight.

Some sax players stand to play their instrument, but the majority sit down on a chair. While you may feel you do not need any sitting lessons as you know the correct sitting posture, but sitting to play the Sax is different. If you do not adhere to a correct posture, it may hurt your neck and back. So, when you sit down to play the saxophone, ensure you keep the back straight. Keep your feet firmly on the floor and sit about halfway up the seat of the chair.

For Good Posture While Playing the Saxophone, Keep the neck straight

When playing the saxophone, look straight ahead and not to the left or the right. By keeping your neck straight, your diaphragm has more room to expand. It means you can play longer with more powerful notes and stronger vibrato, and tone. So, refrain from pointing your neck anywhere other than straight ahead.

Keep the shoulders in a relaxed position.

Sometimes in the effort to stand or sit up straight, you might lift your shoulders towards the ears. While it is good to sit or stand with shoulders back, but they should also be relaxed. It allows you to relax your entire upper body, including your arms and fingers, and you can breathe deeply and naturally to play better. So, always keep your shoulders relaxed when playing the saxophone.

Hand positioning 

Hand position is also an essential aspect of a good posture as it stabilizes the instrument. Place your hands right in front of you, and the right hand must be in the same line as the right leg and the left leg with the left hand. Your fingers should be curved like you are holding a softball in your hands. The thumbs should be folded in and always in contact with the thumb rests. The right thumb must be under the attached thumb rest, and the left thumb must be in contact with both the thumb rest and the register key.

Beginners frequently move the left thumb to operate the register key, which hinders the sax playing technique. The wrists should be straight, and the elbows relaxed and close to your sides.

Despite following the tips above, you still have difficulty maintaining a good posture, then The SaxSeat is your helping partner.

SaxSeat helps maintain good posture

It is the latest innovation to hit the saxophone industry that supports both the musician and the weight of the saxophone to play better.

The SaxSeat allows you to keep the back straight while playing, therefore releasing the pressure on the diaphragm, so you breathe properly and play powerful notes for longer. The SaxSeat is also an advanced and innovative saxophone support stand for all sizes of Sax and different ages of players. SaxSeat makes playing Sax easier and more comfortable as it supports the weight of the instrument.

So, invest in SaxSeat today, and play the saxophone for longer while preventing injury and pain. Visit https://saxseat.com/ today to know more and purchase the SaxSeat.