
extend playing life

10 01, 2023

Joel Frahm: The Solution to Extended Practice Sessions for Saxophonists

2023-01-16T22:11:09+00:00January 10th, 2023|extend playing life, Press Release, Sax Posture|Comments Off on Joel Frahm: The Solution to Extended Practice Sessions for Saxophonists

Get Yours Here... Joel Frahm Tries the Saxseat As a saxophonist, you know that long practice sessions can take a toll on your posture and overall comfort. Many saxophonists struggle with back pain and other issues caused by sitting in the same position for extended periods of time.

20 02, 2022

The Benefits of the New SaxSeat in a Saxophone Studio Recording Part 1

2022-03-13T15:35:28+00:00February 20th, 2022|extend playing life, Studio Recording|Comments Off on The Benefits of the New SaxSeat in a Saxophone Studio Recording Part 1

Saxseat for Saxophone Studio Recording Keeping your saxophone at the correct distance from microphones is a big part of getting the best recordings. The SaxSeat improves microphone position and sound - The SaxSeat keeps the sax at the correct distance from microphones, with the bell facing

5 10, 2021

Tips for Good Posture While Playing the Saxophone

2021-10-05T07:53:20+01:00October 5th, 2021|extend playing life, Sax Posture|Comments Off on Tips for Good Posture While Playing the Saxophone

Importance Of Good Posture While Playing the Saxophone Saxophone posture is a big issue with most students and professional players alike. Bad saxophone posture leads to various painful conditions like neck and back pain, minor joint pain in the wrists and fingers, and various shoulder ailments. Also, a bad posture

24 08, 2021

The Saxseat – A new way to play the saxophone.

2021-08-26T14:21:04+01:00August 24th, 2021|extend playing life|Comments Off on The Saxseat – A new way to play the saxophone.

We believe the saxophone is a beautiful instrument so we're making it more accessible to everyone. We know that as people get older it sometimes becomes more difficult to play, so we're just trying to make it a little easier for everybody. We wanted to create a tool to help players

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